Friday, December 29, 2017

My 2017 Year-End Post

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Shangri-la Plaza Christmas tree. Forever camera shy!


Happy holidays everybody! I hope you enjoyed the year 2017.

December is a very busy month for us and for sure yours is too. I didn't have time to catch up with the holiday orders for my leather work business. I had to refuse some of the potential clients so I could sacrifice a huge chunk of time assisting with the household preparation for the holidays... Phew.

I'm trying my best to catch with my personal hobbies like drawing, journal writing and creating a set-up for my BuJo 2018. Hopefully I could squeeze all the things I need to do before the new year starts. One day more to go! Time flies so faaaast.. huhu.

My almost full journal pages. Time to make a new journal this coming 2018.
A custom leather laptop sleeve for a client. I did this the entire day! I looked like a zombie the next day. LOL

I haven't made a much thorough plan for the year 2018. But I know what my new year resolution would be... RESPONSIBILITY.

"Start being more responsible: A big part of growing up into a mature adult is the ability to think before making a decision. It is important to take responsibility for ones actions and avoid blaming everything on someone else, just as it is important to protect your family and provide for them."

I've made a lot of mess and have been ignorant too many times these past few years. I will try my best to be responsible adult.

I don't want to go into details with my 2017. If I look back, it's just a huge splatter.

How 'bout you, how's life going on for you?

I'm not the kind of person who takes photos a lot... haha.

Daisy Lopez