Friday, June 16, 2023

Conquer Your Fears and Embrace the Growth

Here's an acrostic poetry I've written to improve my vocabulary. I used the letters F-E-A-R.

I've been experiencing pressure and anxiety lately. But I keep pushing forward and walk towards growth as much as I can.


Fading shadows pierce the gloom of my soul, 
Echoes of doubt, whispers that take their toll
Amidst the chaos, a flicker of light appears
Resolute and steadfast, banishing my fears.

Face it head-on, embrace the unknown
Explore the depths where courage is sown
A journey within, where strength is found
Rise above the doubts that once held me bound

Fear, a teacher, guiding me to grow
Eager to conquer, with each ebb and flow
Awakened purpose, a flame burning bright
Revealing the path to a fearless flight.


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